One Albion February SEND Multi- Sports Camp

 One Albion February SEND Multi- Sports Camp 

All participants must bring suitable clothing, indoor and outdoor footwear, along with a packed lunch and plenty to drink for each day.

Camps are available to children and adults of all abilities from ages 8years +

All camps 10:30am-3:00pm

A general camp day consists of fun and engaging multi-sports activities, such as trampolining, hydro-therapy, dance, football and teambuilding challenges delivered by our experienced and enthusiastic disability coaches. The camps aim to encourage social interaction and participation in a variety of fun and fully inclusive sports.

A presentation will take place on the last day of camp, where participants will all receive a certificate and a trophy or medal. Parents and carers are welcome to attend the presentation which usually starts at 2:45pm on the day.

PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to offer any 1:1 support or personal care.